Blog Dropshipping Lead Gen

I’m still in the game

I ain’t going down without a fight, so after testing yet another run of unsuccessful ads for the dropshipping store I got a new boost of creativity which resulted in a new idea for my lead gen site. It’s amazing how one failure leads me to another idea, this is why I decided to keep both projects open. I guess it helps me keep my skills sharp and intact, although I’m beginning to lose money on these damn ads I can’t seem to make work. Anyway my new idea is in the works, I got a bit of work to do before I can run a new set of ads but I really think this will boost my engagement in order to get more leads.

I will update soon when I’ve got a bit more to show….

1 hr later

UPDATE: WOOHOO the son of a bitch works, I just got my first sale on my dropshipping store. Will update


QUICK UPDATE AGAIN  The very next night whilst I was optimising my store after the first sale I got another lead through one of my Lead gen forms… lets fuggen go…

It all happens at once. I quickly passed it on to my business client to quote the job and close the deal, lets hope I get paid.

I gotta get to bed to go to work tomorrow but I will update what happens as it unfolds.


A Dad determined to succeed to show his kids that dreams can be achieved no matter what the odds are!

I like other stuff too.

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