Blog Dropshipping Lead Gen

What I’ve learned this month

Well it’s been a whole month filled with lessons. I haven’t made a sale since the last one and I’ve figured out many things since then. Also my dropshipping site was starting to load really slow. Had too many post revisions from my constant second guessing myself. I used GT a tool on a website […]

Blog Dropshipping Lead Gen

I’m still in the game

I ain’t going down without a fight, so after testing yet another run of unsuccessful ads for the dropshipping store I got a new boost of creativity which resulted in a new idea for my lead gen site. It’s amazing how one failure leads me to another idea, this is why I decided to keep […]

Blog Lead Gen

What to do when imposter syndrome kicks in.

After awkwardly fumbling my way through the meeting the client was still very interested in what I had to offer. I explained to him that my goal is to help him get more work through me being able to generate organic leads to minimise having to spend money on ads. We agreed to start of […]

Blog Lead Gen

How I started my Lead Gen thing

This one is an interesting story. I wrote about how I got the idea here, It all started when I was sitting outside my kids school after work waiting to pick them up. When I finally got around to implementing my idea, I first built my site following a few youtube tutorials I found. It […]

Blog Dropshipping

Back to the Drawing Board.

  Well, I’m still here fighting and kicking. I made a promise to myself to never give up. I will succeed in this venture no matter what it takes. So since the last post I had a few realisations. I had no framework to follow. I was just basically winging it by look at others […]

Blog Dropshipping

Where I’m currently at…

It’s been a slow few weeks since my last post, I’ve just been going to work and thinking, I haven’t even been listening to any podcasts like I usually do, I guess I just needed some time off to regain some spark in my step… I’ll just mention for the record, quitting isn’t an option […]

Blog Dropshipping

How I built my dropshipping store

The story behind my dropshipping store I’m not sure if anyone is even interested but here’s the story on how my dropshipping store came together. It’s been a very intense learning journey. First up I spent a bit of time researching webhosts because not all hosts are the same. For example, because I am opening […]


The Struggle of Self Doubt

I have to be honest, I got off work early on Friday, been really motivated to get something done all weekend, but it appears I just feel a bit lost for some reason,  I’m struggling with a lot of self doubt, everything feels pointless. See, I kind had already begun my journey before I had […]


The Help I Need

I realised I needed help pretty quickly. (probably the professional kind since this is such a crazy stupid idea. lol,  sometimes I still wonder if I’m just wasting my time.) I’m not even sure what kind of help, I’ve managed to narrow down what it actually is holding me back somewhat, It’s actually talking to […]


The Journey Begins

You may have heard of a quote that goes along the lines “Its the journey, not the destination that really matters” Well I’m about the find out for sure as I embark on this journey. I still don’t even know if it’s a good idea or not but if I don’t try something it’s guaranteed […]