Blog Dropshipping Lead Gen

What I’ve learned this month

Well it’s been a whole month filled with lessons.

I haven’t made a sale since the last one and I’ve figured out many things since then.

Also my dropshipping site was starting to load really slow. Had too many post revisions from my constant second guessing myself.

I used GT a tool on a website called GT Metrix to fix most of the issues. It worked well.

With that done, I have to say I haven’t had another purchase since the last one, and the last month has been tough. I was bouncing between yes this is working and then next min I would find myself stuck again. Part of mew wishes I had someone to show me how to achieve this but then another part says no can do it without help like that. I guess when I figure out the secret that works for me it will make it all the more worth it.

I have pivoted a few times since the last sale. I am slowly getting more clarity and I’m beginning to get faster at identifying something that could work and throwing it up and testing.

On the lead gen side I have managed to get my site ranking at Number #2 on the front page for the main keyword. Although I’m not getting the automatic leads coming through like I expected. I suspect I will have to optimise something to get it there. I’m not sure what to do about that yet.

Today I got up and redone yet another ad to try and get this dropshipping store rolling better. I’ve done a few over the last few weeks. Been getting 1.14% CTR rates which from what I’ve read about are great clickthrough rates but maybe I need to optimise my store pages as they don’t seem to be converting at all.

All in all I haven’t given up and once I get some gold in my bags I will share the techniques I used to make it happen.

I am going to succeed one way or another


A Dad determined to succeed to show his kids that dreams can be achieved no matter what the odds are!

I like other stuff too.

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